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  • Writer's pictureAcey

First Thing in the Morning

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

What do you usually do upon waking up in the morning?

This morning, the first thing I did was to grab my phone and checked if my boyfriend replied to the message I sent to him last night.

I am honest enough to say that I do not have a perfect morning routine. One of my struggles is that I would plan to do several things first thing in the morning, only to find myself failing. It is hard for me to make something habitual especially when I just did it for the very first time. (If you are a success on habit formation, with open arms I’m gonna welcome your ideas. 🤗)

And with so much morning routine suggestions flooding the Internet today, I still believe that one timeless activity should still top our list - a morning prayer.

Oops.. Forgive me for calling it an activity. Prayer is a lifestyle, and above all the greatest way to start off your day.

I just love how Psalm 5:3 says it. “In the morning O, Lord, hear my voice. In the morning I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait.”

Isn’t that amazing? As soon as we wake up in the morning, we can already approach God and lay to Him all our requests and trust Him about it.

We are not alone in carrying our burdens all throughout the day. God is so kind that He is available for us to meet Him as soon we wake up and just be honest about how we feel. Whether you have to pray about some big concerns weighing down your heart, or you just want to thank Him for a brand new life that He has given you today, go ahead. Talk to Him.

Today, I want to congratulate myself for beginning my day right. I intentionally put my gadgets far off my bed last night, so I wouldn’t be able to grab them as soon as I wake up. And I couldn’t felt more than right on track because I was able to jumpstart my day approaching God, appreciating Him for the new life and blessings this day has to offer me.

And, yes! I am more than ready to face the new day ahead because I just talked to the right Person. And may you do so as well.

Just simply pray, first thing in the morning. 🙏

God bless your day!

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