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  • Writer's pictureAcey

When Demotivation Strikes...

The title verbalizes my feelings lately. I am quite demotivated, and the things that are currently keeping me busy seem to just make me tired frivolously.

What’s the purpose? Have you ever asked yourself, why are you doing such? Why have you chosen that career path? Why do you love this person? Why do you endure when you can actually just choose to give up? What keeps you going?

Motivation can sometimes be so hard to sustain. Not all the time you are in the peak performance or in the state of flow. As for me, I have this tendency to feel dumb and meaningless when I couldn’t keep up with the key drivers of my life anymore. It’s not that I am slack or unappreciative, but I get exhausted when I insist to operate but with inadequate motivation to keep me going. I’m a human, of course.

So what do we do when we start to hear ourselves saying, “This is meaningless and is not worth it anymore…”?

I found these 3 things helpful to me…

I opt to switch the red light ON. For a few days, I stayed away from the things that I would normally do until I began missing the rush of busyness on my day-to-day living. What I simply mean here is that to regain your motivation, ceasing is required. You must be so tired, so come on, breathe. Unplug from the redundancy of your daily grind. Allow yourself to rest and grab some peace of mind. Sometimes, all we need are moments of distance, pondering and refueling. Listen to the cue from your inner self; it will tell you when to stop.

I try to have fun! We refresh ourselves by doing things we love and makes us happy! Maybe you can travel for the entire weekend, or spend time with your favorite hobby, or just sleep the entire day! It could be the most mundane activity but whatever it takes to motivate yourself again, do it.

I connect with people. There will always be someone who will inspire us and channel to us the amount of enthusiasm we needed the most! On my downcast moments, I would talk to some friends and just try to immerse myself on their vibes of hype and optimism. It is a blessing to be surrounded with people who would remind you that you need to get yourself back on track.

Our lives, no matter how we feel, are filled with purpose. Demotivation is just around the corner and it can always deceive us that we do is worthless and totally a waste of time. But remember, that feeling brought by being stuck in a rut is only temporary. We can always recuperate and hustle things out on a fired up state, again.

And right now, thankfully, I am fired up again.

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